Project Description

Top and side loading of flexible bags with an automatic case packing system with integrated case erector.

Case packer CUBEMASTER 300i is similar to the CUBEMASTER 300 case packing system that operates both vertically and horizontally. The major differentiator of the CUBEMASTER 300i is the integrated BPA robotic case erector. This optimizes floor space utilization, and often eliminates the need for costly mezzanines. The case packer itself operates similar as the CUBEMASTER 300, providing for a high throughput and the tightest case tube utilization in the global packing industry.

The integrated robotic case erector automatically loads a predetermined number of blank cases into the system. Once this is done, the conveyor moves the stack to its pick position, making room for the operator to load another stack. This boosts efficiency, just as the fact that the stacks do not have to be perfectly square. Prior to picking the first blank case, the top four cases are automatically squared with two cylinders. All in all, this is a unique erecting method that allows for cases to be formed with either the short or long side leading.

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