Project Description

FL 2.7 / 3.2 / 4.2 Rollstock Inline Packaging Carousel Machine for Large Format Size Pouches, Form Fill Seal FFS Machine.

High production activity with FLtècnics carrousel inline packaging machines for large format sizes. Our strongest difference… Simple and Robust. Form Fill Seal FFS Machine with King-Sized Carrousel.

Over the past several years customers have increased the number of larger format pouch sizes that they require. At the same time, they continue to need a higher production speed. As a response to these needs FLtècnics, has launched its K series – which offers pouch transport through inline carrousel- to increase the machine’s performance.

The inline carrousel machine line offers equipment capable of producing large format size pouches. These machines continue to provide quick and easy changeovers, with the possibility to add our exclusive automatic changeover system.

The carrousel grippers system does not release the pouches during the filling process and can support heavy weighs. This is a revolutionary operating system when large pouches must be filled.

No matter the product you want to pack (liquids or pasty, powder, solids, snacks, chemicals, etc.), you will find the K Series the right machine for the job and an excellent way to achieve your production target.

Features & Benefits for FFS Machine

Low maintenance costs and flexibility, built-in stainless steel, makes this series the perfect option to those customers who look for robust equipment for larger sizes, with the latest technology and software advances (modem for remote assistance, etc.). FLtècnics offers a 3-year warranty on all of its equipment as a sign of commitment to our customers.

Automatic Splicing System

Film reel splicing system:

  • Integrated to reel unwinder
  • Two pneumatical reel shafts
  • Rejection system for spliced pouches
  • End and low reel level sensors
  • Motorized reel elevator with remote control

Zipper splicing system:

  • Two zipper reels
  • Non-stop system
  • Rejection system for spliced zipped pouches

Easy & Fast Change Over

  • Motorized forming triangle
  • Motorized bottom and vertical sealing bars
  • Servo-motorized film feed system and cutting group
  • Carrousel transport grippers with automatic adjustment
  • HMI recipes screen

Stroke On Demand

  • Two independent main shafts driven by Servo motors
  • Automatic machine start-stop system
    • Filling system not ready – Machine automatically stop
    • Filling system ready – Machine automatically starts
  • Eliminate pouch waste

Heavy Weight Carrousel Grippers

  • Robust grippers designed for heavy and large sized pouches
  • Secure and efficient pouch holding
  • In-line pouch transport

Pouch Opening System

Mechanical pouch opening group combined by 3 systems.

  • Top & Bottom suction cups
  • Blowing cone or venturi amplifier
  • Mechanical pouch lineal closing grippers.

Filling Systems for FFS Machine:

1- Solid Filling Systems

For powders, granulates & pieces:

  • Auger filler, Volumetric cup filler lineal and rotary, designed and manufactured by FLtècnics
  • Multi-head & lineal weighers
  • Counting filling systems
  • Customized fillers for special applications

2- Liquid Filling Systems

For liquid and pasty products:

  • Mass and magnetic flow meters: Endress+Hausser, Bopp & Reuther
  • Piston fillers with pneumatic or servomotor operation
  • Customized fillers for special applications
  • Innovative system of filling correction in real time, standard on all our flow-metering dosing system
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