Project Description
Ozone System “process system”.
The Function Of The Ozone.
In modern sterile filling processes the main source of contamination is the container, whether it is made of plastic or of glass. Therefore, sterilising the bottles takes on special importance. Since ozone is the most powerful oxidant that can practically be used in treating water. It is highly effective in sterilisation even at very low concentrations and with short contact times.
One of the characteristics of the gas ozone (triatomic oxygen, O3 ) is its high chemical instability.
It tends to break down causing a very vigorous oxidising reaction that we exploit to oxidise. Therefore destroy, organic substances, and therefore micro-organisms such as viruses and spores that are formed by these substances.
System Features.
The compact Promec ozone systems are formed by two distinct sections, electric and hydraulic, that contain all the equipment needed to produce ozone in the required quantities, the former, and to mix it with water, the latter.
There are two ways of feeding the process system:
– With compressed air, that must be suitably filtered and have the oil extracted from it;
– With high-pressure oxygen bottles.