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Silicon dioxide


PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT Silicon dioxide CAS # 7631-86-9 SYNONYM Silica; Silicon dioxide FORMULA SiO2 PRODUCT TYPE Chemical APPEARANCE White Solid, odorless PH 6-9 BOILING POINT 2230° C FLASH POINT Non-combustible SPECIFIC GRAVITY (20°C) 2.2 MELTING POINT 1710° C SOLUBILITY [...]



PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT Titanium CAS # 7440-32-6 SYNONYM Pure Titanium, Titanium Powder; Titanium PRODUCT TYPE Chemical HAZARD 0 Non-Regulated Material MELTING POINT 1677 c BOILING POINT 3277 c DENSITY 4.5 (20 c) NOTES Low density and strong.  Can be [...]



PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT Tantalum CAS # 7440-25-7 SYNONYM Tantalum ingot, Tantalum Powder; Tantalum FORMULA Ta PRODUCT TYPE Inorganic INSOLUBILITY in acids except hydrofluoric and fuming sulfuric acids MELTING POINT 2996 c REFRACTIVE INDEX 2.05 SOLUBILITY fused alkalis BOILING POINT [...]



PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT Dysprosium FORMULA Dy PRODUCT TYPE Chemical NOTES Dysprosium easily oxidizes and is therefore only used for research purposes.  It is combined with several elements for the development of lasers and related materials, including vanadium and manganese. [...]

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