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AMBRA Only Film Shrink Wrap Machine


Automatic shrink-wrap machines for secondary packaging line. The Ambra Series is designed for modern production processes that require packaging several types of pack on a single production line, even with very different sized or irregularly shaped products. [...]

PKR Gantry Robotic Pick and Place Machine


Robotic Top Loader For Jars, Cans, Bottles and Clamshells. PKR modular Robotic pick and place machine can automatically top-load products into cases or trays in a facility where the height is more limited. This servo-driven unit can [...]

Automatic Horizontal Cartoner With Bottle Loading


The Kartnr HCB for bottle packaging is a horizontal continuous motion cartoner to automatically orient, load and close chipboard cartons at high speeds. Integrated system includes unscrambling table, bottle infeed conveyor, bottle orientation from vertical to horizontal state, [...]

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