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Automatic Horizontal Cartoning Machine


The Kartnr HCA horizontal cartoning machine with automatic infeed is designed to automatically open, load and close chipboard cartons. The HCA can be configured for either manual or automatic product loading. Commonly used for horizontally inserting bottles, [...]

Fastpax For Highest Speeds VFFS Machine


The FastPax family of continuous motion vertical form fill and seal machines are engineered to produce up too 150 pouches per minute. Commonly used for high speed food packaging applications including snack foods, confections, sliced apples, dried [...]

Depositor Filling Machine


Filling machine for  multiple product fill zones. The Depositor is designed to eliminate hand labor by automatically filling multiple product fill zones and is easily integrated with automatic thermoforming machinery and tray indexing conveyors. Standard models can [...]

Conveyorized Net Weighing and Filling Machine


Automatic conveyorized weighing filling machines, The PrimoLinear C-series is engineered for weigh filling applications where only a conveyor can successfully transfer sticky products into the weigh bucket. This series is perfect for products such as shredded, diced or sliced [...]

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