Project Description
Case packer machine is fully integrated vision guided case packing system.
Case packing machine SPIDER Q-series fully meets these needs. It is a collective name for our highly versatile, ultra-compact, and flexible case packing systems, available in various executions.
The SPIDER Q-series enables you to process a large variety of cases and bags with high production speed and a highly limited footprint. It consists of a monoblock frame design, that integrates a full option packing process. A process starts with bag quality checks and ends with a checked, filled, and closed case as output.
The SPIDER Q-series features a single HMI in which all controls are integrated. This significantly reduces human effort and increases the overview of the system.
Changeovers to other recipes are exceptionally smooth as well, as 90% of the changeover settings are fully automated, reducing typical change over time into a less than ten minute effort.
BPA is a global leader in Vision Guided Robotics. The added value of these systems to your organization and process is versatile. We will gladly engage with you about its numerous options, regardless of whether you are technically, practically or strategically oriented.
As every production environment is unique, every organization requires a tailored solution. Challenge us and put our experts to the test, to devise the solution that fits your process like a glove.