Thresher provides to separate lamina and stem on the tobacco leaves. For a better result and separation quality, it is designed with up to 4 stations. At each station, there is a separation process and extra [...]
Flavouring Cylinder
Esraa Shawky2023-07-30T14:35:17+02:00We are offering you the best solution for Flavoring Process which is designed by highest quality R&D and produced by highest quality manufacturing. Cylinder is manufactured by AISI 304L 1st Class Chrome, covered by 25 mm [...]
Esraa Shawky2023-07-30T14:53:17+02:00Dryer machine provides to dry the tobacco to requested moisture level up to %12. Drying Cylinder is manufactured by AISI 304L 1st Class Chrome, covered by 25 mm polyurethane for Heat Isolation in the Cylinder, 9 [...]
Esraa Shawky2023-07-30T15:02:23+02:00Feeder consists of 2 sections, feeding pool and dredging belt. Feeding pool loading levels are controlled from 5 different points. Belt speed and working range is synchronized according to these loading levels. Proper spreading and drying [...]
Screen Cleaner
Esraa Shawky2023-07-30T15:10:51+02:00Screen cleaner machine. It provides to sort out the small particles and dust before the mincing process and transmit directly to the feeder for increasing the quality of mincing. It is manufactured from first/high quality metarial as AISI [...]
Esraa Shawky2023-07-30T15:43:36+02:00Excellent scissor-type cut quality Highest level of operational reliability and availability Extremely simple operation and servicing Extended cut width up to 1.4 mm using eight knives Conversion from lamina to stem or cloves via control panel Interface for [...]
Esraa Shawky2023-07-31T10:12:35+02:00System consists of feeding belt, active conveyor (vertical trolley), spreading conveyor, main silo and discharge belt units. Active conveyor (vertical trolley) can be designed to feed single or double silo by demand. It is manufactured from [...]

DCC – Direct Conditioning Cylinder
Esraa Shawky2023-07-31T10:22:27+02:00We are offering you the best solution for Direct Conditioning Cylinder which is designed by highest quality R&D and produced by highest quality manufacturing. Harvested tobacco leaves have approximately %8-%10 moisture. For high quality cutting process, [...]
Esraa Shawky2023-07-31T10:54:12+02:00Slicer is used for fine separation of tobacco leaves which is coming in C48 boxes in bale in order not to break leaves and prevent dust. This helps to avoid product loss and increase the efficiency [...]